“Beneath the Surface”

“Beneath the Surface” is the theme of next series of paintings that I will create for the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center. Here is the narrative  that I submitted for the committee:

Robert Wilson Lynd said, “There are two sorts of curiosity- the momentary and the permanent. The momentary is concerned with the odd appearance on the surface of things. The permanent is attracted by the amazing and consecutive life that flows beneath the surface of things.”


Beneath the surface of the Ohio River, as with the human body, there is a life force that is not apparent to the casual viewer. When you skim along the river in a boat, it is hard to imagine the beauty and complexity that is under the water. It is only upon closer examination, after seeing hints of what is below, that you become aware of the ecosystems just beneath you. When you look at the beauty of a water lily you don’t easily imagine the complex and beautiful root system that continues under the water. The lines that intertwine and parallel each other form beautiful compositions. The water pools and moves, creating rhythmic patterns. The fish swim along their way, leaving bubbles and currents that move the water and change the colors. Plant life sways with the movement of the water. Rocks and shells accumulate on the bottom leaving hints of their history.


My series of paintings for the theme “Beneath the Surface” explore what lies under the water- just out of view. It is my hope that beauty is celebrated and captured. I will use fluid paint to recreate the beautiful water effects and hint at the ebb and flow of the water. The lines formed by the root systems of the water lilies will tie the composition together and create visual interest, while letting an occasional flower show above the surface. The rocks and shells will ground the composition with interesting patterns and texture. The occasional fish and wildlife will surprise and engage the viewer.

Here is a snapshot of part of the mural I envision.

mixed media sample

mixed media sample


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