Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

“Art at the X”

Saturday, July 11th, 2015

August 28th the Xavier University Art Gallery will host “Art at the X.”  This year’s theme celebrates high school art teachers from around the country in this juried exhibition. It is such a privilege to be included in this show. Not only was it a tough jury by Matt Distel, the theme is near and dear to my heart. I thank XU for deciding to honor teachers. Too often in the art world, teachers are not given the credit they deserve for being artists as well as educators. Their work is often not taken seriously. It’s all about the “those who can… ” mentality. Not only are high school art teachers gifted artists, they are inspiring young people to love art. Many of these students will go on to work in the fields of graphic design, fashion, education and so many more areas of creative expression. Schools are cutting art budgets and reducing the number of art classes. The state mandates are all but eliminating art requirements in music, PE and visual arts. I applaud Xavier for making their stand regarding the value of art obvious by devoting their beautiful gallery space to the work of high school art educators, past and present. I hope you will join me at the opening. Here are my selected pieces. They are each 36″ x 36″ and mixed media. Best Day Ever

Dancing in the Rain 2

Above the Clouds

Art Comes Alive at ADC, Art Design Consultants

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Last Friday night was filled with excitement, awards, drinks and of course, great art! Lisa Spanos knows how to throw a party! Her gallery was filled to capacity with food, flowers, drinks and artists, all eager to see the show and find out the results of the awards and contracts. Many of my friends were included in the show, so it was fun to see them and their work. We had a great time. I was honored to come home with the award “Architectural Artist of the Year.” That was a surprise for me. I normally consider myself a “floral and still life artist,” so it was rewarding to be recognized for my newer work. Here are a few photos from the night. Sorry you missed it. Next year you may want to consider getting a ticket for summer’s hottest show & party in town.

(pictured below are Frank Satogata, Mark and Trish Weeks.)

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Cincinnati Children’s Open House

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Last Saturday was the Open House at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. The purpose of the event was to unveil the new research facility, known as Location T. Over 600 pieces of original art are placed in this massive building. I took the opportunity to greet guests as well as snap some photos of my work that is now installed in its new home. The building was a huge undertaking.  Kolar Design, ADC- Art Design Consultants, and Art Academy of Cincinnati Community Education Department did a wonderful job getting the art installations just right. Several of my pieces are now coated with resin which makes them easy to maintain. I also took the time to go to B-1 Radiology to see “Beneath the Surface,” my 8′ mural, installed and framed. I had not seen it framed and resin coated. It was a little overwhelming to see my work in such a magnificent place. Because the bulk of my previous work for Cincinnati Children’s is inaccessible for me to view in the NICU unit, I had not previously seen my work installed. What a blessing to create work for the community of Cincinnati Children’s. I only hope that it will bring a smile to a child or parent who has to be there for treatment. When I retired from teaching I never dreamed that I would be fortunate enough to create work for such a loving and caring place. All the artists, designers and galleries who put their talents to such good work should be so proud. Thank you Kolar Design and the Art Academy of Cincinnati Community Education Department for such a rare and worthwhile opportunity.Amazon Rainforest inspiration Global Garden B1 Radiology waiting room "Beneath the Surface" 8' mural Rainforest inspiration Global Garden "Beneath the Surface" mural in B-1 Radiology

2015 Flower Show was a complete success

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

What a wonderful reinvention of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society Flower Show! The new venue, Yeatman’s Cove, proved to be the perfect choice to showcase the exhibits, vendors and of course, The Artists’ Studio. Just inside the main gate, 13 local artists exhibited their stunning work under a big tent. Painters, fiber artists, glass artists and ceramics artists all came together to show the best of Cincinnati’s local art. Hundreds of people filled the tent each day from 9AM to 6PM. We had a great time and lots of pieces were sold to new patrons. All in all, it was a wonderful week. Rain and shine, we pulled together. Next year, God willing, we will be back-even bigger and better! Thanks to all who contributed to the success of the show. Here are some snapshots:
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Sneak Peek of new work for Cincinnati Children’s

Monday, March 16th, 2015

Global Family is the theme for artwork for the new research facility at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital  Medical Center. Six artists have been selected to create over 30 pieces of varied work. There will be: oil, fiber, mosaic and acrylics and mixed media used as the materials for these works. I just finished 5 pieces of mixed media work. My theme is Global Garden. Two of my pieces are large “flowering” trees made of paint, paper and photo transfers of iconic imagery of people and places around the globe. The other three are a triptych of imagery inspired by the Amazon Rainforest. These pieces also incorporate photo transfers of people and creatures indigenous to the Rainforest. Here are photos of the works which will be delivered in a week and look for their installation next month. I hope you enjoy them! You are the first to view them! Thanks for visiting my site! See you at the Flower Show next month!


Global Garden Trees  Global Garden-Tree



MahanAmazonDragonfly  MahanAmazonButterflies MahanAmazonBird

“Beneath the Surface” installed at Cincinnati Children’s

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Here is a photo of the 8′ mural I created for B1 Radiology in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. You can see it on the first floor. There are  two additional complimentary pieces in the waiting room. They all look great. Thanks to ADC, Art Design Consultants for the wonderful frames, resin coating and installation.

Beneath the Surface installed

More “Girls” heading to Texas

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

Here are some more of the mixed media painting that are included in the group “The Girls.” They are inspired by my mom, my sister in law, my grandmother, and some influential teachers in my life. Their names are: in order, Bess, Bette, Carolyn, Judy, Linda and Lottie. They are headed out next week, to Dallas and Houston, I think. Enjoy.Bess Bette Carolyn Judy Linda Lottie

“The Girls” are going to Houston

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Thanks to Studio 84, based in Phoenix, some of my floral paintings are headed to a client in Houston next week. I am not too sure of the details yet, but, the opportunity to create lots of floral still life pieces inspired me to resurrect my series of  “The Girls.” Each painting is 18″ x 18″ and will work well in a group or stand alone. The flowers are tributes to the women who have come into my life. Here is my description of these works:

The floral paintings I create remind me of women I have known. Some are weathered perennials who appear in my life year after year. Some are flashy annuals who visit to add color and a little spice. The paintings are made of many layers, like these women. Some are bold and some, more subtle; you don’t see their beauty until you get to know them. Matisse said, “There are always flowers for those who choose to see them.” That inspires me, as do the women who cross my path.

Each is named for someone special and there are many more to come in the future. I hope you like them. I will also have some on display at the newly revived Cincinnati Flower Show. Details about that will be released soon! Enjoy!Cathy Debbie DJ Lauren Lisa Mickey Nancy Sally Stella

Merry Christmas to all…

Thursday, December 25th, 2014

It is very early on Christmas morning. Mark is still asleep. Soon sounds of presents being opened and the wonderful smells of Christmas dinner will fill our home. Guests will  soon arrive with holiday cheer and good wishes. Now, in the quiet of Christmas morning, I am still reflecting on the message of our Christmas eve service. God blesses us, especially when we are most in need of assurance that He is with us. As I sat in the pew, looking at the lights and holding my candle and singing Silent Night, I heard my grandmother’s alto voice singing, I thought of my parents. My dad would listen for his cue to “fall on your knees,” and my brother would tell me to sing quietly so as to not disturb others with my less than stellar voice. Cookies and presents awaited our return from church. Our family did not regularly attend church. We did usually make it to the Christmas eve service. It was something I loved to do. I am grateful that we have found a church home where we feel welcome. I love to go to church, especially on Christmas eve. I love, not only the message, but the carols and the lights. Larry Kent, our pastor, makes it meaningful and manages to send a new message every year-he retells an old story in a new way each year. Last night’s message made me rethink a story I have retold many times. I realized that God spoke to me in a simple tale that took place a long time ago.

The year was 1987. Mark and I had just managed to move into our home. In September we bought a house that no one else would have thought of buying. It was a small farmhouse on the Little Miami River that had-are you ready for this- no running water. Yes, an outhouse and a pump. When I called the real estate agent to inquire about the property, she said “One bathroom-detached.” To a city girl, I had no clue what that meant. Mark said, “That means outhouse.” The house was built in 1886.  It was a shell of a house-chigger infested, no water, peeling wallpaper, no central heat, a “Dorothy style” storm cellar.  With nothing but blind faith and a very small amount of money, we bought it after convincing a small neighborhood bank to give us a loan. Mark quit his job and dove into full time renovation. By the week of Christmas, we had water, a roof over our heads, and little else. There were sheets of paper covering the doors to the new bathroom, mice, and no kitchen. We had a microwave and a TV-just the Dayton channels-and a bed. It was a humble beginning to a great adventure. We moved our things out of storage the week of my Christmas vacation, vacating the horrible motel that we had been living in during the renovation.

Having left the cramped comfort of our motel, I was excited to live in our new home. We planned to go to Springfield to my parents’ home on Christmas morning. On Christmas eve, we got a small tree and told the boys not to worry, Santa would find them. We dined on Lean Cuisine Turkey Dijon meals and store bought cookies. The boys were a bit confused, but, Mark and I did our best to remain cheerful. After we ate and the boys settled in to play with some toys, I decided to take a walk on the road. Our road is very dark and parallels the river. There are no streetlights. The enormity of our undertaking got the better of me. It was the first Christmas I did not go to church with my family. It was the first Christmas eve I spent with my new family in this run down old house. I missed our traditional and somewhat overdone Christmas eve. I gave in to the sadness and admit that I began to cry. Feeling sorry for myself, I walked down the road questioning my decisions to take on this “home” and this huge responsibility. I even missed my old apartment at Harper’s Point. My dog Sunny and I walked down the road and when we were in front of the next door neighbor’s house I heard a resounding, “Ho Ho Ho.” I turned to face the hillside, in total darkness, I quietly said, “Santa?” I had heard it along with the sound of sleigh bells…. I really did. For that moment, I believed… really believed, that Santa existed. Out from the darkness came a reply. “No Susie, it’s me, Eddie.” He was laughing. It was the 20-something son of the older couple-the Cranes- who lived next door-our new neighbors. He was dressed as Santa to take a gift to the neighbors on the other side of their house and then to greet the many grandchildren of the Crane family. He walked down the hill to say hi and saw that I had been crying. We had only been in this house a few days, so I did not really know Eddie or the Cranes. He asked me what was wrong, and I sheepishly told him I was feeling alone, missing my family and questioning our decision to live in this run down old house. After a few minutes, he asked if it would be okay if he found a few gifts under their tree and brought them to our boys, who still believed in Santa. That was just what I needed. I ran up the drive and told the boys to get ready for a visitor. You get the rest, Santa came to our house, the boys were happy, we got to know our new neighbors and happily went to sleep, looking forward to Christmas the next day with my family.

The “rest of the story…” God sent me what I needed, when I needed it. God works in our lives in the most interesting ways. When you least expect it, God shines his light on you. If you don’t pay attention, you may miss it. I have told that story before, but, never with full awareness that it was God who sent Eddie at just that moment. Eddie is now with God. He was taken from us far too soon. The Cranes are also gone, with Eddie in Heaven. No doubt they have told that story more than once. It is a story of faith. I did not fully appreciate it until last night. I believed again, just for a moment, in Santa. Now I know that it was God who sent “Santa” to me to make me again filled with the childlike wonder of Christmas. May you have that belief this Christmas and know that God is shining his light on you.


Beneath The Surface Part 2

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
8' x 3' mural for CCHMC

8′ x 3′ mural for CCHMC

Here is a shot of the final mural completed for B-1 Radiology. I have not yet seen it installed, but, I am told that the resin coating makes the colors sing. I will visit the site next week and get some shots of the mural, as well as the 2 complementary pieces that are in the waiting room. I sincerely hope that it brings curiosity and joy to anyone who happens to be there.

Stay tuned for my next 5 pieces for CCHMC. They are for the Research facility that is currently being built. The theme is Global Family. My individual theme is “The Global Garden.” I am one of 6 artists who will work motivated by this theme. I will post photos when they are complete- probably mid-March.

It’s Thanksgiving week, and among my many blessings, I count Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center as one of the places for which I am grateful.  The staff there took such wonderful care of my grandson when he was in NICU. They continue to help so many children and families. God bless CCHMC and all those associated with it. I am humbled by the opportunity to add to this wonderful place with my art.