I am pleased to report that 3 of my paintings will be used for banners to be used in Springfield Township, OH. This area, on Cincinnati’s west side, includes the communities of: Finneytown, Winton Woods, Greenhills, and many more. The incredibly beautiful Winton Woods is right in the middle of Springfield Township. Did you know that’s where Charley Harper went for inspiration? He lived in Springfield Township and was often seen drawing the wildlife of Winton Woods.I will be creating a commission piece incorporating the architecture of the area. Two existing paintings will also be used for banner designs. They have selected three and will use two. The two selected will be chosen based on how they look when cropped to the banner format. Artworks of Cincinnati is co-ordinating this portion of the project. A show will be held on September 2 to commemorate the unveiling of the banners and showcase the originals. Pictured below are the three designs under consideration. Feel free to contact me with your “vote”. I will be happy to pass it along to the trustees. Details of the opening/party will follow once a location is chosen.