My Work
My mixed media work is inspired by my love of color and pattern. Photos and random bits of found paper enhance my work in unexpected ways. The closer you get to one of my mixed media paintings, the more detail you see in the photos used. The use of paint ranges from loose washes and glazes to very detailed brush work. Paint is applied both over and under the paper.
The floral paintings I create remind me of women I have known. Some are weathered perennials who appear in my life year after year. Some are flashy annuals who visit to add color and a little spice. The paintings are made of many layers, like these women. Some are bold, some are more subtle; you don’t see their beauty until you get to know them. Matisse said, “There are always flowers for those who choose to see them.” That inspires me, as do the women who cross my path.
Be sure to click on the individual images to see the entire piece.